The Process
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." --Edmund Burke
TRIGGER WARNING RAPE! Florida, District 9
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Based on Osceola, Florida Real Case #s Enter 49-2018-CF-000952 or 49-2018-CF-000799

LESSON 6- The Process- Step by Step What Happens once you Report-

1- Report to police
2-They gather evidence, witnesses, your statement
3- They present all the above along with an arrest warrant to be approved by the Assistant State Attorney - if you know your rapist otherwise they do further investigation to determine who the rapist is- witnesses and more -DNA etc
4- Rapist(s)is arrested- if you meet the scrutiny of the State that you were really raped (rare) but it still doesn’t mean they will prosecute
5- Rapist bond hearing to get out of jail no more than 2or3 days
A) Rapist(s) bond is approved unless you are 12 or under and they are released in less than 6 days
6- Law Enforcement-continues to investigate for enough evidence for trial
7- You have a brief meeting with Prosecutor (maybe)
8- You receive a Subpoena for trial in a couple of months-don’t get your hopes up- it takes at least 8 months to a couple of years to really go to trial unless a plea is made and you never go to trial
9- You can give an impact statement in front of your rapist(s) all lawyers, judge and both sides of friends and family
A) Everyone is different, but I feel very stupid after telling them all how bad they hurt me and, it doesn’t change a thing. The plea is done to the approval of prosecutors and rapist lawyers with or without your consent- if you object and never cave in they will drop the charges all together. Demand a trial from the beginning if you don’t think 0-6 months in jail makes up for what they did to you

Now it is over and everyone tells you that at least it is all behind you now and you want to scream your head off!!!! It's not over and it will never be over ever- I needed closure... oh they will tell you to get counseling, but watching your monsters walk with a non-sexual battery is as bad as the rape itself....

You can prepare yourself better if you see yourself as the criminal that has to prove their case to the prosecutor instead of the reverse!!!! If you don’t have a video of the rape, their friends coming forward to witness you were screaming, "I want my clothes," as they watched a while and left without helping you, it is considered as he said she said according to Florida, District 9,  Bureau Chief of sex crimes and the ASA . DNA, Injuries recorded in ER and photos, Their confession to the Sheriff, your stellar reputation, 8 other outcry witness, one of which was an hour after you got away, your abstinence, and your religious beliefs don’t matter to the BC or ASA - those are things they told me the rapist(s) were able to explain. I don't discourage reporting, but I don't want a woman to think she will get justice and depend on that for her healing. If you get justice- great- just don't put all your hope into it.









 Other Links

US Constitutional Victims Rights Act 18

Womens Law . Org

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National Center for Victims of Crime

RAINN Chat Line

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